Enric Carreras

As a composer, Enric Carreras has dealt with different styles, from jazz to symphonic, as well as new age, fusion or contemporary. Also with brasilian music and some more electronic styles. He composes for very different kinds of projects:

Cinema: Author of the soundtracks of the films: “FLORES SILVESTRES”, directed by Mikel Ardanaz (a coproduction of  Euskal Telebista, T-Forma and Glimpse) and  “ESTENENT PONTS”, directed by Antoni Verdaguer.

Advertisments:  Current composer for advertising companies, he has composed music for many brands such as Seat, Balay, Vox, Interlingua, etc. As well as electoral tunes for several political parties.

Television: Author of a number of soundtracks for TV series and documentaries for Televisió Espanyola, Canal Satélite Digital, TV3, Canal 33 and Euskal Telebista. Spotlight “Caminos sin memoria”, “Conservar para vivir”, “Secretos del mar”, “Un mar de arte”, “Por amor” o “My New Friends”.

Theatre: Compositions for several shows: 7D7 (written and directed by Pep Oriol), “El verí del teatre” (by Rodolf Sirera, directed by Lluís Barón), “La Escuela”, etc.

Dance: Author of the music for “Negre Fosc”, a performance of the Esbart Terrassa. From this soundtrack, came his first CD album which deserved a special programme on Canal 33 TV named Hidrogen.

Production: Arrangement and production of the discographic works of several singers, like Anton Abad, Jaume Escala o Elisa Palou.


Throughout his career, Enric Carreras has played with musicians such as Josep Maria Farràs, Carme Canela, Roger Blàvia, Matthew Simmon, Xavier Figuerola, Cidao Trindade, Cesc Miralta, Josep Cucurella, Joan Rectoret, Guim G. Balasch, Dani Alonso, Raynald Colom, Horacio Fumero, Nono Fernández, Chris Higgins, Errol Woiski, Joan Massats, Dave Mitchell, Néstor Munt, Enildo Rasúa, Toni Solà, Pep Coca, Carles Pineda, Adrià Font, Pablo Posa, etc.

He currently plays in bands of quite different styles like:

JAZZSPIRIT & JOSEP MARIA FARRÀS: This hard-bop band performed in different jazz festivals.  Jazzspirit recorded the CD “Camí”, in Nova Jazz Cava, Terrassa.

JOSEP SOTO QUINTET: A band which mixes jazz, brasilian, classical and flamenco. This band have performed in Calle 54 in Madrid, in Barcelona Guitar Festival, in Jazz festival of San Javier (Murcia), in Terrassa Jazz festival and in all the main halls around the country, like L’Espai, Luz de Gas, Jamboree, Boîte, Nova Jazz Cava… This quintet recorded  “Parabolic”, featuring Paquito d’Rivera. The CD was one of the 15 nominated for Grammy awards in 2001, latin music.  Their latest album is “GROC”.



As leader:

“NEGRE FOSC” (Temps Record, 2000)

“L’ENIGMA DE SHIBAM” (Temps Record, 2005)


“FLORES SILVESTRES” (Temps Record, 2012)

“PRESAGIS” (Temps Record, 2015)

As a member of other bands:

“PARABÒLIC”, with Josep Soto Quintet (PICAP, 2001)

“MO MEM SA”, with Erwyn’s Sega 4 (Temps Record, 2003)

“CAMÍ”, with Jazzspirit & Josep Maria Farràs (Temps Record, 2004)

“BEYOND MY MIND”, with Erwyn Seerutton (PAE, 2005)

“GROC”, with Josep Soto Quintet (Temps Record, 2009)

“ALLÀ ON VAGIS”, with Kailash (Anacrusi, 2015)